From MOPS to MomCo: Embracing Growth and Community at Second Baptist

Friday mornings at Second Baptist are generally pretty calm and quiet… Unless it’s a MOPS Friday. If you’re at church on a MOPS Friday, you’ll probably smell the coffee brewing once you walk through the doors. You’ll hear the tiny footsteps of children, their laughter soon to fill the preschool hallway and classrooms. You’ll hear the chatter of thirty or so moms, who haven’t had an uninterrupted conversation in ages. You’ll see tables spread with a delicious brunch – made with love, and shared with dear friends. You’ll be able to feel the heaviness lifted away, as those moms set down their loads and sink into a chair with a sigh. It is a beautiful, wonderful kind of chaos.

In the midst of all that chaos, amazing things are happening. For many of our MOPS moms, the cloud of loneliness is lifting. They’re forming friendships, and connecting with others who are beside them in the trenches of motherhood. They’re feeling a little less anxious, and a little more confident in their mothering abilities. They’re feeling less depressed. They’re finding community. They’re finding themselves. They’re finding Jesus.


Our MOPS group has seen steady growth over the last few years, and we are excited to continue inviting new moms to join us. MOPS International will soon become The MomCo, which is short for “Mom Community.” With that new name comes a new desire to focus on moms at all ages and stages, not just Moms Of Preschoolers. Our leadership team is dreaming up ways to expand and serve all kinds of moms here in Liberty: moms of school-aged kids, working moms, LGBTQ+ moms, single moms, and more. It’s an exciting new chapter for our group, and the nearly 2,800 groups in more than 72 countries around the globe. We are excited to continue the legacy of raising moms to new heights, and helping them find freedom in Jesus.


Finding Mom Friends: Your Guide to Building Your Village (Without Losing Your Sanity)


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