Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What Happened to MOPS?

A: The MOPS organization now goes by the name MomCo, and it serves mothers with children of all ages. Our name change reflects the evolving nature of motherhood and our service to mothers and our community.

Q: What Happens During a Friday Meeting?

A: Childcare drop-off begins at 9:15 AM, and our meeting starts promptly at 9:30 AM. Upon arrival, you'll be welcomed by friendly MomCo members. Grab your name tag, check your table assignment, and take some time to mingle and catch up with fellow moms.

The meeting usually kicks off with a brief introduction or icebreaker activity to help everyone feel comfortable and engaged. Brunch is served buffet-style, so you can help yourself to a variety of delicious options before heading to your assigned table.

Occasionally, we have guest speakers who provide valuable insights on parenting, health, and wellness, offering inspiration and practical advice.

While you participate in the meeting, your children are cared for by background-checked caregivers in a safe and engaging environment, allowing you to focus fully on the experience.

At the end of the meeting, we’ll share announcements and details about upcoming events. The session wraps up with a chance for additional networking and informal conversations, providing a great opportunity to connect with other moms on a more personal level.

Q: Do You Provide Childcare?

A: At MomCo's Friday meetings, we offer exceptional childcare to ensure you can fully engage in our supportive community. Our background-checked caregivers provide a safe and nurturing environment for your little ones, so you can enjoy meaningful connections and enriching discussions with fellow moms. Visit our KidCo page to learn more.

Q: Do I Need to be a Stay at Home Mom? Married? Single? Stepmom? Bonus Mom?

A: MomCo warmly welcomes all moms from the community, regardless of their background, life circumstances, or relationship status. Whether you’re a new mom, a seasoned parent, or somewhere in between, you’ll find a supportive and inclusive environment here. We embrace:

  • Moms of All Ages: From first-time mothers to experienced parents with grown children, everyone is welcome.

  • Moms from All Walks of Life: No matter your family structure, work situation, or lifestyle, MomCo provides a space for you.

  • Newcomers and Long-Time Residents: Whether you’re new to the area or a long-time local, you’ll find a place in our community.

  • Moms with Varying Parenting Styles: We celebrate diverse parenting approaches and encourage open, respectful discussions.

Our goal is to create a supportive network where all moms can connect, share experiences, and grow together.

Q: Do You Serve Coffee at Meetings?

A: Yes. Drop your children off with our background-checked childcare team, pour yourself a cup and enjoy your coffee it while it’s still hot.

Q: How Much are Dues? Are Scholarships Available?

A: Our annual dues are designed to support the activities and resources available to our members. The dues are as follows:

  • For each mother: $80 annually

  • For the first child in childcare: $40 annually

  • For two or more children in childcare: $60 annually

We understand that financial concerns can sometimes be a barrier to joining. To ensure that cost doesn’t prevent anyone from participating, we offer scholarships. If you have any questions about the dues or are interested in our scholarship program, please email us at We’re here to help!

Q: Do I Need to a Member of the Church?

A: Nope. You do not need to be a member of Second Baptist Church (or any church) to attend MomCo meetings. We welcome all moms from the community to join us, regardless of church affiliation. Come and connect with other moms, gain support, and enjoy the resources we offer!

Less Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How Do I RSVP for Childcare?

A: If you haven’t completed the initial info onboarding form, start here. If you’ve completed that and just need to secure your spot for the next meeting you can do that at this link.

Q: Am I Supposed to Bring Brunch this Month?

A: Brunch is provided by rotating assigned groups. Each group is responsible for bringing a selection of dishes, ensuring a variety of options for everyone to enjoy. You can find the brunch assignments here.

Q: Can I Bring a Friend?

A: Yes! Please do! You’ll need to loop in our membership coordinator, Chelsea, so she can ensure they are welcomed with a name tag, seating and childcare if needed. You can email her at

Q: Where Should I Park?

A: When visiting Second Baptist Church, you have several convenient parking options:

Main Parking Lot: The primary parking area is located on the north side of the church building, accessible via N Leonard St. This lot is closest to the main entrance and the welcome center.

Additional Parking: There are additional parking spaces available on the south side of the church, accessible from Kansas St. This area provides easy access to the church and is within walking distance of the main entrances.

Handicap Accessible Parking: Designated handicap accessible parking spots are available near both the welcome center entrance and the main entrance for your convenience.

If you need to drop off a dish for brunch, mentor moms are available at the circle drive in front of the church to allow for quick and easy unloading. After dropping off your items, please move your vehicle to the main parking lot to ensure space for other visitors.

Please ensure you follow any posted parking regulations and signs to help us maintain a smooth and organized parking experience for all visitors.